Tag: prayer

Prayer When Life is Difficult

Prayer When Life is Difficult

Right now, I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. I wasn’t feeling that way a week or two ago. But right now, it’s like tomorrow couldn’t get here soon enough because maybe what I’m going through right now won’t be here tomorrow.   Maybe.   Life is 

Praying When Times are Difficult

Praying When Times are Difficult

We recently experienced several mass shootings back to back, in California, Texas, Ohio, and Kansas. Hurricanes and wildfires have devastated the Bahamas and California. Upheaval in the U.S. with our polarized politics down racial, political, religious (and denominational), and [insert polarizing topic of choice] lines 

Difficult Prayer

Difficult Prayer

We have all had times in our lives when prayer came naturally. You didn’t have to even think about it – something would come up and ‘boom!’, you and God are simpatico and intercession and Spirit-filled prayer is just gushing forth like nobody’s business. I 

Emptying Hell

Emptying Hell

I’ve recently taken on additional responsibilities at work, which is great because I’m always looking for a new challenge. I’ve also started traveling for work, which I love but, without the proper night’s sleep, has been draining. I’m learning a new language, I’m taking ballet, 

The Distraction in the Free Speech Wars

The Distraction in the Free Speech Wars

If you didn’t know, colleges and universities have become a battle ground for this tricky thing called free speech. I work in higher education and am constantly bombarded with news stories from one side of the front or the other. You hear of some person 

Surrender: A New Year’s Resolution

Surrender: A New Year’s Resolution

Early last year, I attended a women’s conference for the first time in my life – the HeartStrong Faith Conference. I wasn’t sure what to expect, except that there would be a lot of women and I might go away with a verse to remember. 

That Nevertheless Faith

That Nevertheless Faith

When I was a kid and even as I transitioned into a young adult, I used to pray a lot of “but” prayers. You know these prayers – “Lord, I would really love if you could make this happen!” I would declare, and then quickly 

When Your Spirit Ain’t Catchin’ The Spirit

When Your Spirit Ain’t Catchin’ The Spirit

What do you do if your spirit ain’t catchin’ the Spirit? I’m feeling a little down today. My body’s feeling heavy and it’s hard to concentrate – there are quite a few things on my mind. I’m trying to find the energy to give a 

I’m Not the Main Character

I’m Not the Main Character

I’m steadily learning that I’m not the main character in my story. That’s weird for me to say, considering most of the time I feel like Disney’s all-time best character, Kronk from The Emperor’s New Groove. Yes, that is my theme music coming into the 

Dry Places: Finding God in Times of Spiritual Drought

Dry Places: Finding God in Times of Spiritual Drought

Recently a friend has been struggling. She had gone through several emotionally draining experiences with guys she cared about in a very short time frame. Her body started reacting badly (lack of appetite, skin breaking out, etc.). It took her a little bit of time